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NAHPG announce name change to Association of Coloproctology Nurses

The Committee of Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals Group of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland would like to announce the change of our name to Association of Coloproctology Nurses.After two exciting days in... Read more

22 Feb 2016

ACPGBI strategic priorities for 2016-2018 published

This document lays out ACPGBI strategic priorities for the next three years and beyond, in terms of its mission and its vision.Executive Summary The essential component of the Mission is to “Promote the prevention, care and cure of colorectal... Read more

17 Feb 2016

Two travelling fellowships for coloproctologists from Eastern Europe

ACPGBI has established fellowships of £3,500 each, to enable two doctors currently practising in Eastern Europe to visit 2-3 colorectal centres in the United Kingdom and Ireland over a two week period, and attend the 2016 ACPGBI Annual Meeting which... Read more

12 Feb 2016

Expressions of Interest: Emergency General Surgery Sub-committee members

Emergency colorectal surgery is gaining increasing prominence and it is important that ACPGBI has representation. As such Council and the Executive are looking to appoint four ordinary members to a newly formed Emergency Surgery Sub-Committee.This... Read more

11 Feb 2016

ACPGBI Patient Liaison Group founded

The ACPGBI now has a Patient Liaison Group (PLG) to provide a patient and public voice to the Association.It acts as a resource for the Association to deliver a professional service to meet the current and future needs of colorectal patients, and... Read more

10 Feb 2016