Journals - Colorectal Disease & BJS
Colorectal Disease – ACPGBI Official Journal
Free Online Subscription and Access to Colorectal Disease is available to Ordinary Surgical Members, Associate, Overseas and Staff Grade members.
Colorectal Disease offers real benefit to ACPGBI subscribers.
It is first and foremost a vehicle for publishing original research in any discipline relating to colorectal pathology. It should, therefore, appeal to gastroenterologists and surgeons, pathologists, oncologists and any other health professional who cares for patients with a disease of the lower GI tract.
Edited By: Neil Smart
Impact factor:2.778
ISI Journal Citation Reports @ Ranking: 2017:49/80 (Gastroenterology & Hepatology)
ISI Journal Citation Reports @ Ranking: 2017:49/200 (Surgery)
Online ISSN:1463-1318
© The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
Visit the Colorectal Disease website
ACPGBI is delighted to offer all our members a discounted online subscription to the BJS.
The cost of the 2024 subscription is £25.00.
The BJS features the very best in clinical and laboratory-based research on all aspects of general surgery and related topics. BJS has a tradition of publishing high-quality papers in breast, upper GI, lower GI, vascular, endocrine and surgical sciences.
The BJS is published on behalf of the BJS Society Ltd by Oxford University Press. The Journal’s influence and standing has grown over the years through the ownership of its registered charity, the BJS Society.
The Society’s objectives are to advance and improve education in surgery and to diffuse knowledge on new and improved methods of teaching and practising surgery in all its branches. It does this primarily through the promotion of the Journal but it has also developed strategic European partnerships. The BJS Council of Management is drawn mainly from these partner surgical associations whose relationship has increased the Journal profile and broadened its attraction globally. The Council is proud of the quality of the journal, the content of which is further enhanced by a hands-on approach by its editorial team in improving submitted manuscripts and the journal content.
BJS is the premier peer-reviewed surgical journal in Europe and one of the top surgical periodicals in the world, with an impact factor of 9.6. Its international readership is reflected in the prestigious international Editorial Board, supported by a panel of over 1200 reviewers worldwide.
Subscription information here >
Gastrointestinal Nursing

Gastrointestinal Nursing is the leading journal for nurses working in gastroenterology, hepatology and stoma care.
The journal publishes original research, clinical reviews and case studies that have been peer-reviewed by leading experts in the field, as well as news and expert analysis on best practice, professional development and healthcare policy. Each of the ten issues a year touches on a range of topics, from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), viral hepatitis and colorectal cancer to upper GI endoscopy, parenteral nutrition and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Gastrointestinal Nursing aims to help specialist nurses improve the quality of life of patients by delivering care that is evidence-based, cost-effective and patient-centred. The journal is listed on CINAHL and SCOPUS, and articles have a CPD focus to help nurses with their PREP requirements.
A subscription to the journal also includes the biannual Liver Nursing Supplement and Stoma Tips, the patient magazine for ostomates ( With a holistic approach and articles that are relevant, intelligent and useful in daily practice,
Gastrointestinal Nursing is essential reading for specialist nurses who wish to provide the best possible care for their patients.
- Each ACPN member receives an exclusive 25% discount code to subscribe to GIN; 10x issue per year.
- Each ACPN member who subscribes will also be granted online access to GIN and its full archive via
Email for a member discount code