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Membership categories reflect where you are in your career.

Category Fees
Ordinary Member
Consultant surgeon or associate specialist in UK or Ireland
Ordinary Member (1st year only)
1st year consultant surgeon or associate specialist in UK or Ireland
Ordinary Member (non-surgical)
Non-surgical consultant or associate specialist in UK or Ireland
Overseas Member
Medical practitioners residing and practising outside of the UK or Ireland
Staff Grade Member
Medical practitioners in non-training grades
Associate Member
Trainee surgeon. Includes Colorectal Disease journal online and membership of The Dukes’ Club.
Affiliate Member (with journal subscription)
Nurse or technician. Includes Colorectal Disease journal online, and membership of the ACPN.
Affiliate Member
Nurse or technician. Includes membership of the ACPN.
Senior Member
Retired or reached the age of 65

Medical Student/Healthcare Undergraduate

Medical students/Healthcare undergraduates will be able to join free of charge


PLG Member

 The ACPGBI has an active Patient Liaison Group (PLG) who provide a patient and public voice to the Association


Notes on membership categories

Ordinary Member

This category applies to medical practitioners on the Specialist Register, Associate Specialists in any discipline relating to coloproctology and non medically qualified scientists holding a permanent appointment in the UK or Ireland or medical practitioners in long term locum consultant posts who have a demonstrable interest in coloproctology. Ordinary members have full voting rights. Note the Non-surgical Ordinary Member subscription does not include the journal Colorectal Disease. All 1st year members will be verified.

Overseas Member

This category applies to duly registered medical practitioners residing and practising outside of the UK and Ireland, who have a demonstrable interest in coloproctology. Overseas members have full voting rights.

Staff Grade Member

This category applies to duly registered medical practitioners in non-training grades who have a demonstrable interest in coloproctology. Staff Grade members do not have voting rights.

Associate Member

This category applies to duly registered medical practitioners in training appointments who have a special interest in coloproctology. Associate members do not have voting rights.

Affiliate Member

This category applies to specialist nurses and technicians working in the field of coloproctology. Affiliate members do not have voting rights at the Association AGM but do have voting rights within the Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Group.

Senior Member

A senior member is someone who has retired from active practice or who has reached the age of 65, whichever is first. A senior member does not have voting rights and their subscription does not include the journal Colorectal Disease.

Patient Liaison Group (PLG)

The ACPGBI has an active Patient Liaison Group (PLG) who provide a patient and public voice to the Association

Medical student/Healthcare Undergraduate

Medical students/Healthcare undergraduates will be able to join free of charge.

Every student member receives a range of benefits, including:

£10 subscription to Colorectal Disease Journal, the ‘high impact’, internationally respected, official publication of the ACPGBI 

Free Registration to ACPGBI Annual Meetings for all students presenting research as well as the first 50 students not presenting (reduced rates for additional students)

Mentorship Programme

Essay Competitions 

Elective Bursaries 

Teaching Workshops, including practical surgical skills 

Statutory leave and membership fees Including maternity leave, paternity leave, sick leave

Applications for a reduction in membership fees may be made retrospectively when a member returns to work

Absence from work should be for a minimum of three months

Applications should be made within 1 month of return to work

Reimbursements will be made on a pro rata basis based on completed whole months of leave

Members on statutory leave at the start of the year when membership fees are due will be expected pay the fee with a view to reimbursement at a later date as outlined above. This ensures that there is no lapse in membership.

Members taking a period of statutory leave will be entitled to full membership benefits.

Application to trainees (less than full time training)

On application by a trainee  member, a reduction reflecting the % of LTFT training as shown on their ARCP form (Annual Review of Competency Progression) (copy required) for the period of the LTFT training with the stated expectation they will stay with ACPGBI throughout their period of LTFT training. At present, the annual Associate membership fee is £95.00, a 60% LTFT trainee would be £57.00 and an 80% LTFT would pay £76.00.

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