2 August 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines
Incidence and epidemiology
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common tumour in men and the second in women, accounting for 10% of all tumour types worldwide. Incidence is 25% higher in males and differs greatly between countries. With more than 600 000 deaths estimated each year, CRC is the fourth most common cancer-related cause of death globally.1,2 The growing incidence in some countries reflects a modification in lifestyle and its consequences related with ‘Westernisation’ such as obesity, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption,
high red meat intake and cigarette smoking.3 Some data suggest a putative role in colon cancer carcinogenesis for factors that cause imbalances in gut microbiota
2 August 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines
Anal cancer is a rare disease that accounts for <1% and <3% of all new cancer diagnoses and gastrointestinal tumours,
respectively. The most common histological subtype is squamous-cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA) with an
annual incidence of 0.5-2.0 in 100 000.1
22 June 2021
ACPGBI Publications
The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) would like to acknowledge and recognise the importance of the independent review of diversity and inclusion carried out by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC for the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England).
9 June 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines
9 June 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines
8 June 2021
Dukes' Club 2020 Annual Meeting
31 May 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines
25 May 2021
A flowchart illustrating the filtering, inclusion and exclusion of patient records in the Audit.
12 March 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines
The Clinical Governance Board would like to remind Association members of the principles of consent, especially for high-risk procedures. A patient-centred approach should be adopted, following the principles laid out in the recently updated GMC guidance on decision making and consent.
8 March 2021
Consensus Statements and Guidelines