Resources Professionals menu Professional ResourcesAdvanced Coloproctology CoursesACPGBI 2022 Annual Meeting EdinburghACPGBI 2021 Annual Meeting - HarrogateConsensus & Guideline DocumentsCancerColorectal PolypsProctologyColonoscopyInflammatory Bowel DiseasePelvic FloorIntestinal FailureAbdominal WallEmergency General SurgeryDiverticular DiseaseRadiologyPathologyOncologyGeneralHistorical ArchivesMedical StudentsFundamentals of Coloproctology Session 1: Stepping outside the colonResearch & AuditResearch and Audit CommitteeBowel Research UKAudits and DatabasesTrials and ResearchACPGBI Research ProgrammeNational Bowel Cancer AuditEYCN Early Years Consultant Network Home PageAbout UsCareer DevelopmentMentorshipPeer Support and NetworkingResearchEventsNewsMembers AreaThe Dukes' ClubAbout UsCareer DevelopmentTraining and ExamsFellowshipsResearchEventsNews Please explore the resources below and the the "More Filters" button below to find specific resources in your search. The documents in this section include Guidelines, Publications, Presentations, Videos and Papers for specific Conditions and Procedures. Find a guideline or consensus statement Click Here More Filters Search Clear Audience Junior RegistrarsNursingPatientsSurgeonsTrainees Type ACPGBI 2020 Virtual MeetingACPGBI 2021 Annual MeetingACPGBI 2022 Annual MeetingACPGBI PublicationsAdvanced Coloprocology CourseAGM 2019AppendixAudit & quality improvementCase ReportsColorectal Goes ViralConsensus Statements and GuidelinesDataDukes' Club 2020 Annual MeetingEDIEducation, Courses & FellowshipsGood PracticePaper of the MonthPresentations, Videos & Papers Conditions Abscess, fistula and fissuresAdvanced colorectal malignancyAdvanced Rectal CancerAnal cancerAnal FissureAnterior resection syndromeBenign tumours and polypsBowel cancerColon CancerColorectal PolypsComplicationsConstipationCrohn's DiseaseDiverticular diseaseEarly rectal cancerFaecal IncontinenceFistulaFunctional disordersGeneticsHaemorrhoidsIBD and other colitidesInflammatory Bowel DiseaseIntestinal failureLarge Bowel ObstructionPelvic FloorPerianal conditionsPilonidalProlapsePruritus AniRectal bleedingRectal CancerSmall Bowel ObstructionTraumaUlcerative ColitisVolvulus Procedures Anorectal physiological testsBiomarkersChemotherapyColonoscopyColorectal resectionCytoreductive surgery and HIPECEmergency General SurgeryImagingLower GI endoscopyMinimally invasive proceduresReconstructive surgerySacral nerve stimulationStomas Other Abdominal WallMedico-legalNew technologyNutritionOncologyOutcomes and quality of lifePathologyPatient voiceRadiologyResearch and auditService provision and quality of care Back to Categories Results in 'Consensus Statements and Guidelines' and 'Intestinal failure' BAPEN-BSG position statements on intestinal failure 2 May 2022 Consensus Statements and Guidelines “The British Intestinal Failure Alliance (BIFA) is a multi-professional special interest group within the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN). It focuses on temporary/reversible intestinal failure (IF) (Type 2 IF) and patients needing home parenteral support (nutrition and/or fluid) (Type 3 IF). The guidelines/recommendations and the position statements have all been written by the named authors and revised by the BIFA committee and BAPEN council. They aim to help staff working with patients with IF and those needing parenteral support.” High output stoma guidelines for staff 25 January 2016 Consensus Statements and Guidelines Ashford and St. Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust ‹ › × ×