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Coloproctology 2023 - Beyond Precision

The Annual Scientific Congress of the Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons - Coloproctology 2023 - will be held face-to-face on 2nd to 5th March 2023 at the Pullman Hotel Kuching, Sarawak.

The theme is “Beyond Precision”.

This is the first time we are having a physical meeting since the COVID pandemic

The indigenous communities of Sarawak consider it auspicious when a hornbill flies over their homes. Hornbills are rainforest birds, characterized by their unique large curved beaks. While certainly decorative, these beaks are extremely functional, and having evolved binocular vision, the hornbills are able to see and to handle their food with precision.

Precision is the hallmark of surgical practice. The right intervention, for the right reasons, for the right patient at the right time - delivered with skill and accuracy by the right practitioner - is a mantra for all healthcare practitioners. Surgeons, who have to navigate an increasingly challenging landscape, must balance arduous and long training for acquisition of complex technical skills with concurrent development of humanistic skills. The cost of cutting edge treatments must be weighed against the shrinking budgets of healthcare systems. We need to avoid driving patients into catastrophic health expenditure without any discernible improvements in quality of life. With a plethora of therapeutic options to choose from, a rapidly evolving evidence base, and changes in expectations from an increasingly diverse patient population, surgeons must have precision in every aspect of navigating the patient journey, not just in performing operations.

It is appropriate, therefore, that the theme of Coloproctology 2023, the 21st Annual Scientific Congress of the Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons (MSCRS), is ‘Beyond Precision’.

The Organising Committee has crafted a scientific programme to pull together what it means to go beyond precision in the 21st century. While many of the symposia are disease-focused, the panels are diverse, in keeping with decision-making needs for individualized patient care. Technological developments in diagnostics and therapeutics are addressed, while also paying attention to the perspectives of ostomates, cancer survivors and allied health professionals.

However, in addition to precision in clinical care, we must also apply the same rigour to training the next generation of surgeons, as well as to research, to further refine existing paradigms, or even create new ones. Thus, we have a dedicated track for core topics, highly suited to general surgical trainees and colorectal fellows, but also useful for experienced surgeons wishing to update their knowledge.

While the metaverse, and its related tools, has become the norm for interactions in the COVIDera, their place in the surgical world continues to evolve. The Presidential panel will discuss how this, and other factors, may impact screening of colorectal cancer, in what I am sure will be a lively debate!

Nevertheless, while virtual platforms have their uses, 2023 sees a welcome return to a fully inperson Coloproctology. The value of informal interactions afforded by face-to-face activities is priceless, allowing the establishment of long-lasting collaborations and friendships. I hope you will be able to take advantage of the social activities we have planned, including the Gala Dinner, aptly themed ‘Contemporary Tradition’, where the fashion-forward among us will get the opportunity to show off our artistic flair. Should you have the time to extend your stay, there are plenty of attractions in Kuching and the surrounding area, from beaches to rainforests and everything in between.

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