We’d like to invite you to an EYCN face to face Careers Planning Evening Event.
During lockdown many professionals have felt distanced from colleagues and missed the informal peer support offered by meeting others face to face and discussing both clinical non-clinical issues.
Our speakers will aim to cover tips and tricks of consultant life in a way that may previously have been covered in the hospital corridors, before and after meetings and in the offices; places where new consultants now meet colleagues less frequently.
We are excited to announce our second evening event in Stirling, Scotland.
The programme is below (with timings to be finalised):
- Approx 5.00pm Reception
- EYCN evening seminar talks
- Andrew Rennick – Glasgow. Managing trainee to trainer transition inc. managing difficult trainees
- Mhairi Collie – Edinburgh. Working in medicine outside the NHS (Practice in Uganda managing obstetric injuries)
- Dinner
- EYCN evening seminar talks
- Bob Steele – Dundee. What I wish I had known as a new consultant
- Close and networking
Please email enquiries@eycn-acpgbi.org.uk to reserve your space
Dinner and drinks provided for all.
There is limited funding, available on a first come first served basis, to cover cost of overnight stay. If this would be useful for you please mention it in your reply email.
We look forward to seeing you there!
EYCN committee