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This is a highly interactive expert workshop is designed to teach and discuss both the ileoanal pouch (IPAA) and continent ileostomy. For both procedures to date, there is no accepted general 'standard' and a major sequela is the lack of information on the exact technical details of the procedures. In literature we find distinctions in the outcome of hand-sewn and stapled IPAA anastomosis, however even among the hand-sewn, there is considerable variety, equally, this holds true for the double-stapled technique. The same may be said for continent ileostomies, with Swedish surgeons adhering to the 'K'-pouch, whereas in Germany the modifications that may be referred to as a continent 'S'-pouch were introduced by K.W. Ecker. The target participants are surgeons with experience in pouch surgery, interested in discussing the procedural details and transposing these hands-on in a porcine model. Also, we will fashion K- and S-pouches both 'from scratch' with small bowel, but also practice the reversals of IPAA to continent ileostomies and vice-versa. The first day will be devoted to the theoretical considerations with illustrative videos, whereas the second day will be the practical day. Visit the ESCP website for more information

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