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The day will be conducted under Chatham House Rules to allow participants to share experiences and ask questions, from not only experts; but also newly appointed Consultants. The programme will give special attention to those areas not discussed in postgraduate or specialty training. The programme also meets the criteria for dental enhanced CPD development outcome B.


  1. Gain an understanding of the Consultant contract and job planning principles
  2. Gain knowledge of the importance of good time management skills
  3. Understand the differences from training grade to consultants grade and to network with others in this period of their career

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the basics of the consultant contract and job planning process with the opportunity to discuss this and the interview process for consultants roles
  2. Gain an understanding of the requirements for continued work-life balance and to develop in their role through career progression and alternative roles
  3. Gain an understanding of Realistic medicine and its role in further medical practice

Download the programme and registration form

Visit the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow for more information E: T: 0141 227 3210

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