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This meeting is aimed at professionals across all specialties - surgeons, gastroenterologists, oncologists and nurses involved in the treatment and support of patients who have undergone therapy for pelvic malignancies. We will cover gastrointestinal, urinary and sexual side-effects, review the latest concepts of best practice and discuss developing future pathways to improve patient experience Feedback from last time included 'changed my mindset completely', 'excellent day, great speakers, lots ot take back.', 'should come with a gastroenterologist', 'congratulations on such interesting debates'. An amazing day - only £95 for consultants and £60 for registrars and nurses. The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain & Ireland awards 6 CPD points to this event.
Course Convenors: Dr Jervoise Andreyev
Location: Pelican Cancer Foundation, Basingstoke, RG24 9NN
Course Cost: £95.00 Reduced course fees are available for individual roles.
Overview Document: Third International Workshop on Managing Bowel Function after Cancer Treatment
Course Questionnaire: Evaluation Form Bowel Function 2017
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