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In recognition of the complexity of this disease, the management of colorectal cancer in the UK is restricted to specialist centres which have the adequate resource and expertise. Despite this, treatment remains challenging. With increasing knowledge of the biology of this cancer and with advances in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques it is more important than ever to work closely within a multidisciplinary team and to broaden our knowledge outside our own specialty. Fresh from the success of 2016’s ‘Oesophago-gastric cancer: The MDT Survival Guide’ meeting, this educational event is aimed at trainees in all specialties who have an interest in this disease. We have brought together a multidisciplinary panel of experts all of whom are involved in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Throughout the day we will be discussing a number of case studies, from early disease to end of life care, and we hope to encourage lively audience participation. The objective of the meeting is to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the management of colorectal cancer and to appreciate the role of the multidisciplinary team. It is an opportunity to gain a broader knowledge of our colleagues’ expertise, which will make our multidisciplinary teams more effective, and ultimately benefit our patients. This is an industry-sponsored event.

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