A four-day course aimed at Lower GI surgeons and senior trainees who wish to learn more about laparoscopic approaches to the Lower GI system.
The course provides:
- 'hands on' experience
- individual tuition and feedback
- clear explanations and guidelines
- discussion sessions
- live operative demonstration.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course each attendee should be able to:
- Explain the pros and cons of laparoscopic colorectal surgery and make an informed decision about their own future practice
- Describe the techniques for obtaining vascular control in lap. colorectal surgery
- Debate the place of lap colorectal surgery for cancer
- Describe the indications, methods of patient selection, patient information, risks and complications related to laparoscopic colorectal surgery
- Form a plan for starting out in their own clinical training for lap colorectal cases
- Outline the important anatomical considerations related to laparoscopic colectomy
- Explain the risks inherent in use of energised dissection and means of avoiding complications related to such devices
- Demonstrate certain key skills related to lap colorectal surgery.
- Positioning of trocars and instruments according to basic ergonomic principles
- Safe laparoscopic dissection techniques
- Safe deployment of a laparoscopic stapling device