Find a Surgeon Patients menu Patient Liaison GroupI think I might have...Anal abscess and fistula Anal fissure Anorectal bleeding Bowel incontinence Colonic cancer (bowel cancer) Crohn’s disease Diverticular disease Haemorrhoids (piles) IBD or IBS Pruritus ani (itchy bottom) Rectal cancer Ulcerative colitis I am told I might need...A Stoma Anterior Resection Bowel Cancer Screening Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Lateral Anal Sphincterotomy Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoids (PPH) Right Hemicolectomy Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) Patient JourneyOur Mental HealthSex After SurgeryNational Bowel Cancer AuditPatients and ResearchNurse and Doctor GradesGlossaryFind a SurgeonOther Sources of Help Search our database to find a colorectal surgeon or allied health professional in your area. Use the search tool below to filter the results. Find a Surgeon More Filters Regions East AngliaInternationalMerseyNorth East ThamesNorth WalesNorth West ThamesNorth WesternNorthernNorthern IrelandOxfordRepublic of IrelandScotlandSouth East ThamesSouth WalesSouth West ThamesSouth WesternTrentWessexWest MidlandsYorkshire Specialisms Abscess, fistula and fissuresAdvanced colorectal malignancyAnal cancerAnorectal physiological testsAnterior resection syndromeBenign tumours and polypsBiomarkersBowel cancerChemotherapyColorectal resectionComplicationsCytoreductive surgery and HIPECDiverticular diseaseEarly rectal cancerEmergency general surgeryFunctional disordersGeneticsIBD and other colitidesImagingIntestinal failureLower GI endoscopyMedico-legalMinimally invasive proceduresNew technologyNutritionObstructed defectionOutcomes and quality of lifePatient voicePerianal conditionsReconstructive surgeryRectal bleedingResearch and auditSacral nerve stimulationService provision and quality of careStomasWomen in surgery All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Ó P Q R S T U V W Y Z Showing 301-320 of 870 Surname Forename(s) Regional Chapter Caris Grimes Caris South West Thames Jennifer Grooby Jennifer North Western Andrew Mark Gudgeon Andrew Mark South West Thames Duaa Gumaa Duaa South East Thames Wellalage Janaka Ravinath Gunasiri Wellalage Janaka Ravinath West Midlands Keith Gunning Keith Northern Sharmila Gupta Sharmila North East Thames Richard Guy Richard Mersey Najib Haboubi Najib North Western Ioannis Hadjiloucas Ioannis International Robert Hagger Robert South West Thames Paul Hainsworth Paul Northern Amyn Haji Amyn South East Thames Vijitha Chandima Halahakoon Vijitha Chandima North East Thames Constantine Halkias Constantine International Nigel Hall Nigel East Anglia Sally Hallam Sally East Anglia Toby Hammond Toby North East Thames James Hampton James Yorkshire Julian Hance Julian Yorkshire First...1617181920...Last