Lapco Programme to March 2013
21 January 2012
The NTP Lapco programme is anticipating securing funding for a further year of training activity for its last and final year to March 2013. This is an extention to the original timescale for the programme to ensure that all registered trainees have the opportunity to gain access to the volume of training sessions required to head towards sign off, along with a timescale for case selection and the assessment period itself. All trainees have been instructed to ensure that their DVDs are submitted by
end of October 2012 to Imperial College, Education team.
Nearly all 65 NTP trainers are assessors for the sign off process, so it is hoped that with this number of assessors that this will assist with the distribution and speed at which assessments can be reported with the outcome to the trainee.
For further information on sign off please view the SIGN OFF section on the Lapco web site, or contact National Programme Manager Laura Langsford on 01752 439845 or

Laproscopic HES data
The latest HES data confirms that 34% of colorectal resections in England were undertaken laproscopiclaly for the financial year 2010/2011. It is encouraging to see that the figures reported for the first quarter of this financial year (April to June 2011) show a further increase at 35%. Lapco will continue to report on HES data updates as the information is released and becomes available.
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