In memory of Robert Arnott, former ACPGBI Chair of the Patient Liaison Group
04 September 2024
(Last updated 5 Sep 2024)

ACPGBI is sad to announce that Professor Robert (Bob) Arnott has very sadly died.. Bob was a founder member of the Patient Liaison Group (PLG), taking over as Chair from Jo Church, then handing on to Sarah Squire in 2022. Bob had excellent links with NBOCA and BRUK (and BDRF prior to that). He was determined to stay involved with ACPGBI, even when his health deteriorated. Sarah Squire, Chair of our PLG states “He was proud of how ACPBGI had reached out and accepted patient involvement and was so pleased to see the PLG grow from such small beginnings to cover a wealth of lived experience. Bob was enthusiastic, wise, a staunch supporter of putting the patient’s view forward and a traditional old school gentleman”
Bob was a well known face at the ACPGBI Annual meeting, in latter years advocating for accessibility, especially when he needed a wheelchair.
Sarah Squire further states “On a personal level Bob welcomed me to the group and continued to support me into the role as Chair. We often met for coffee when he was in Oxford and he would tell me tales of his past and talk fondly about his family. As he began to struggle with his health this also led to me putting his shoes on for him at the annual meeting! This is a memory which always makes me smile as we had a laugh and joke rather than him getting down”.
Bob will be hugely missed by all of us, and condolences from ACPGBI go to his wife Tricia. wider family and friends.

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