Sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape by colleagues in the surgical workforce, and how women and men are living different realities: observational study using NHS population-derived weights
29 September 2023
(Last updated 29 Sep 2023)
ACPGBI fully support the findings of a recent article published in the BJS about sexual misconduct in the surgical workforce.
We congratulate Tamzin Cuming, ACPGBI Member, for being a co-author and for being part in producing this article.
ACPGBI will use the findings to develop our strategy and ensure Members' safety at all our events.
Read the article from the BJS
Breaking the Silence: Addressing Sexual Misconduct in Healthcare
This report came out on the same day as the BJS Paper and offers some potential solutions via its 15 recommendations.
“We would expect a proactive and learning organisation to exhibit characteristics of openness and reflection, to co-opt external stakeholders to provide challenge, and to identify improvements, strategic learning, and enduring improvement plans.”
Baroness Casey DBE CB
The Casey Review into the Metropolitan Police, 2023
Read the report
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