Nominations are invited for the post of Honorary Assistant Treasurer for 2023-2025
Closing date: 5pm Friday 2 June 2023
27 March 2023
(Last updated 18 May 2023)
Nominations are invited for the post of Honorary Assistant Treasurer for the period 2023-2025.
The post holder will then become Honorary Treasurer for 2025-2027.
Closing date for applications: 5pm Friday 2 June 2023
Assistant Honorary Treasurer job description
The proposer should be on Council but any ordinary member can be a seconder. All Ordinary Members will be eligible for election as Honorary Assistant Treasurer.
If there is more than one application, there will be a ballot of Council members with voting rights which will require the statements of applicants to be emailed to Council along with a ballot form.
In the event of two candidates achieving equal votes, the final recommendation will be made by the President, the President-Elect, the President-in-Waiting, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer. In the event of there being only one candidate for the post of Honorary Assistant Treasurer, the President, the President Elect, the President in Waiting, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer will confirm that the applicant has sufficient experience for this position and the appointment will be confirmed without a need for an election.
How to apply
Applicants must submit a completed nomination form and a one page statement (maximum of 1 page of A4) explaining their suitability for election to this post.
Download the nomination form
Deadline for applications: 5pm Friday 2 June 2023.
The nomination form and one page statement must be emailed to
We strongly encourage applications from the full spectrum of our Ordinary Membership Category.
Graham Branagan, Honorary Secretary
Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain & Ireland
The Royal College of Surgeons of England 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London, WC2A 3PE
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