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Despite the inconsiderate and antisocial nature of the Covid pandemic, the colorectal surgeons of South Wales joined each other for a Chapter meeting on Tuesday evening.

Our colleagues from North Wales were also able to link in with us via the modern wizardry of zoom. 38 participants were connected together and were appreciatively able to see and hear Nicola Fearnhead update us on the rapidly evolving situation that is shaking our routine practice and affecting our patients so much. Other updates on oncology and local quality improvement projects were also included in the hour long meeting. Unsurprisingly, the audience had many questions to ask the President whose answers were gratefully acknowledged by the viewers. At this time of unsettling change and professional isolation it was great to see each other, even if it was via a screen. It was reassuring that everyone else has the same issues and concerns and we vowed to have another similar meeting soon for further updates and communication. To other ACPGBI Chapter members I would fully recommend this easy method of remaining connected with friends and colleagues.

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