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NHSEng notification for the use of temporary and permanent sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence. Prior approval scheme.

NHS England has set up a Blueteq system for prior approval of insertion of a temporary or a permanent sacral nerve stimulator for faecal incontinence. To ensure that your trust gets paid for these procedures, the NHS Blueteq system needs to be accessed and patient details entered on the appropriate form. Currently, the Blueteq system is used for high cost drugs but is now being rolled out for high cost kit. [button link =""]Access the Blueteq System website [/button] Sacral nerve stimulation is listed under S. The appropriate forms need to be completed and submitted via the web. This system will replace the current prior notification arrangements. It will allow NHS England to develop an auditable trial of whom and how many devices are being implanted in England. NHS England have authorised trusts that they know are performing SNS on a regular basis. If you perform SNS for faecal incontinence you are advised to contact your appropriate contract manager for specialised commissioning to ensure that you have access to your trust’s Blueteq system. If you regularly implant SNS devices and your trust is not Blueteq enabled for SNS, then you will need to speak to your local area team and negotiate with them. Mark Chapman Chair Specialised Colorectal Services CRG

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