Formal notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the passing of a special resolution
18 August 2017
Notice to members with voting rights of the ACPGBI (ordinary members and overseas members).
The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland is a registered charity and bound by The Companies Act 2006 being a Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital. The Association has established a Board of Trustees to provide oversight of the Association’s activities. As a result of setting up the Board of Trustees, an amendment is required to the Constitution and the Articles of Association of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.
Regarding the Constitution; currently there is no membership category for a Trustee member. The proposed change to the Constitution is to add the following membership category.
A TRUSTEE MEMBER shall be a member with the rights set out in the Articles.
Regarding the Articles; the proposed amendment adds the category of TRUSTEE MEMBER.
The proposed category; TRUSTEE MEMBER shall be a member with the rights set out in the Articles to be appointed by the method set out in article 4(b).
(4)(b) The Trustees may in their absolute discretion and subject always to the other requirements of these articles of association permit membership to be granted to a member who is proposed to become a Trustee of the Charity but who is not a duly registered, accredited medical practitioner. Such members shall be non-voting members known as “Trustee Members”.
It is the intention that the new trustees are appointed by members at this meeting. These individuals are currently active members of the shadow Trustee Board. The names of these trustees are attached.
The introduction of the new membership category is the major proposed change. Further minor changes are proposed in order to update and better-align the Constitution and Articles.
The articles of the Association require that forty two clear days are given for an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the passing of a special resolution. A quorum is 20 members entitled to vote upon the business to be conducted at the meeting.
Formal notice is given that the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting is Monday, 9
th October 2017, at 14:00 hours at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the Webb Johnson Hall in the Nuffield Building. Members wishing to attend have the opportunity to do so.
Any members who would like more information on these matters may contact Peter Dawson, ACPGBI past president on
Yours sincerely
Professor James Hill
President of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland
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