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This document lays out ACPGBI strategic priorities for the next three years and beyond, in terms of its mission and its vision.

Executive Summary

The essential component of the Mission is to “Promote the prevention, care and cure of colorectal disease”. The Vision, which lays out where we want to be at the end of three years, has been divided into a number of key components, each of which has a number of associated aims and objectives. In summary, our aspirations are:
  1. To act as the voice of Coloproctology in the UK in concert with our sister organisations in other countries, in Europe and Worldwide.
  2. To progressively expand and improve our services and our relevance to our members.
  3. To deliver state of the art education in coloproctology by means of a high quality Annual Meeting and by delivering innovative courses, workshops and e-learning. We also wish to support and encourage our chapters in this endeavor.
  4. To engage in the facilitation and dissemination of research by supporting the BDRF, the Journal Colorectal Disease, and by ensuring that the Annual Meeting has a significant research focus.
  5. To take a leading role in the accreditation of colorectal services by working with the Clinical Accreditation Alliance.
  6. To support trainees in coloproctology by engaging with The Dukes’ Club.
  7. To support the activity of AHPs working in the field of coloproctology.
  8. To develop and act as a repository for guidelines in areas relevant to coloproctology.
  9. To take cognisance of patient and public opinion and work to increase understanding of coloproctology issues among the public and politicians.
  10. To develop robust audit of outcomes of the treatment of colorectal disease, and to support outliers.

Download the Executive Summary

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