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For Patients

Any one of us can be affected by poor mental health throughout our lives. When we have uncomfortable or embarrassing symptoms, pain, or upcoming tests and procedures, we are even more likely to suffer from low mood, anxiety and other mental distress.

You can speak to your GP or surgeon or their team about your worries and concerns.

At any time, if you feel overwhelmed by negative or distressing thoughts, do not hesitate to contact someone right away.

For Relatives and Carers

You might have concerns about the mental health of your loved one or someone for whom you care, who has been diagnosed with a bowel condition.

You might also have some mental health worries of your own. Your GP can help you to look after your own physical and mental health, which will then allow you to be an even better support for your loved one. 

For Surgeons and Nurse Practitioners

It is important for clinicians and nurses to care for themselves too. The first step is ensuring that you contact your own GP for advice whenever you feel unwell.

Avoid corridor consultations with colleagues, or the temptation to self-diagnose.

It is normal for the stressful situations that nurses and doctors find themselves in to take a toll on their mental health from time to time, and seeking help or advice is the right thing to do, both for you and for your patients. The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised this.

The Occupational Health Department of your NHS Trust will provide confidential support and advice for nurses and doctors experiencing tough times.

They may also offer employee assistance programmes.




ACPGBI 2020 PLG session: TIME Workshop Our Mental Health

3 August 2020
ACPGBI 2020 Virtual Meeting
Presentations, Videos & Papers

The ACPGBI Patient Liaison Group discusses the effect of colorectal surgery on mental health.