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ACPGBI Patient Liaison Group seeking new members

The ACPGBI Patient Liaison Group is currently in search of new members to join our team of committed patient representatives. Our primary objective is to enhance outcomes and serve as advocates for individuals impacted by bowel disease or... Read more

11 Dec 2023

Crohn’s & Colitis UK recruiting for new Research Awards Panel

Deadline for applications is 12pm, Friday 5th January 2024.

Crohn’s & Colitis UK are currently seeking new members for our Research Awards Panel. The Awards Panel is responsible for the review of all research grant applications and making recommendations of which projects to fund to our Research Strategy... Read more

30 Nov 2023

ACPGBI Team Visit to Ukraine

November 2023

A team from the ACPGBI recently travelled to Ukraine to deliver courses aimed at supporting the development of laparoscopic colorectal surgery across the country. The Improving Outcomes of Laparoscopic surgery... Read more

23 Nov 2023

Bowel Research UK Travelling Research Fellowship Programme

Bowel Research UK is delighted to announce the return of our successful Travelling Research Fellowship Programme, which is currently open for applications. A grant of up to £5,000 is available to recently appointed medical & nursing consultants... Read more

23 Nov 2023

The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland guideline on the management of anal fissure

ACPGBI presents the long-awaited Guideline on Anal Fissure Management. This is the first ACP guideline following the new rigorous processes. Although many of the recommendations haven’t changed, it gives evidence supporting clinic decisions,... Read more

7 Nov 2023