BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Launch of fourth national report webinar UID:989 DESCRIPTION:The Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme (PQIP) is launching their new fourth national cohort report at their upcoming collaborative webinar on July 11th at 1-2pm.\n\nRegister to the webinar for free on the following link:\n\nPQIP have recruited over 46,000 patients undergoing a major surgical procedure from multiple surgical specialities since 2017. PQIP will present data for 44,114 patients undergoing major elective surgery in the UK with almost 12,000 new patient’s data analysed in the fourth report!\n\nThere are three key themes running through the new report that are relevant to all members of the perioperative team and include reducing complications and length of stay after surgery, simplifying enhanced recovery and promoting teamwork including with patients.\n\nThe webinar will explore the PQIP national improvement highs and lows, the current research coming out of the PQIP database, and the new top five improvement priorities based on the PQIP data.\n\nAttendees will also be joined by the incredible Professor Mary Dixon-Woods. Prof Dixon-Woods is the director of and will be talking to us about her area of expertise, how to use collaboration to support sustainable quality improvement.\n\n DTSTART:20230711T120000Z DTEND:20230711T120000Z LOCATION:online END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR