BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Low anterior resection syndrome (lars) masterclass UID:938 DESCRIPTION:This one-day masterclass is anticipated to increase the knowledge and understanding of healthcare professionals caring for people with bowel symptoms after rectal cancer surgery. This masterclass would be of interest to healthcare professionals, particularly nurses who care for people after rectal cancer surgery. The masterclass is being run as a hybrid day, with presenters and attendees being either present in person or online. The masterclass is not being recorded.\n\nThe learning objectives are:\n\nIdentify what LARS is and how to diagnose itState some of the more common medical and surgical treatment options for people with bowel symptoms after rectal cancer surgeryDetermine ways in which to better support people living with LARS DTSTART:20230516T080000Z DTEND:20230516T150000Z LOCATION:St. Mark's Hospital (on the Northwick Park Hospital site) Watford Road Harrow HA1 3UJ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR