BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ACPGBI North Wales Chapter Meeting: Improving Colorectal Cancer Outcomes in North Wales UID:917 DESCRIPTION:Programme:\n\nCharles Maxwell-Armstrong, ACPGBI President and Mike Thornton, NW ACPGBI Chapter Rep\n\nWelcome\n\nDoug Speake, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Western General Hospital, NHS Lothian\n\nSurgical Quality: Colorectal Cancer Surgery with Versius Surgical Robotic System\n\nMike Davies, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Cardiff; Specialist Advisor to Bowel Screening Wales\n\nCancer detection: FIT Guidelines Update and Welsh Symptomatic FIT Pathway\n\nRachael Barlow, Clinical Lead for Prehabilitation, Cardiff and Vale UHB\n\nImproving Survival from Colorectal Cancer Surgery: Improving Outcomes with Pre-treatment Health Optimisation and Prehab\n\nMadhuchanda Chatterjee, Consultant Oncologist, BCUHB\n\nOptimising adjuvant therapies: Contemporary treatment options and patient selection\n\nCoffee Break\n\nPaul Sutton, Consultant Surgeon, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust\n\nImproving survival in locally advanced disease: Extended Pelvic Resections - What can we offer?\n\nRob Jones, Consultant HPB Surgeon, Aintree Hospital, Royal College of Surgeons UK Lead for research in to colorectal liver metastasis\n\nImproving survival in metastatic disease: Patient selection, decision making and surgical options\n\nChris Battersby, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Wrexham Maelor Hospital\n\nAvoiding disaster: Cancer risks of non-operatively managed appendicitis and when to survey the colon after acute appendicitis\n\nClose – Mike Thornton, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, ACPGBI North Wales Chapter Rep\n\n6:00 -10pm Networking, Drinks and Buffet\n\nThe meeting will be free of charge for ACPGBI/ACPN members and trainees, and for any other interested healthcare professionals from the region.\n\nPlease contact Mike Thornton if you wish to attend:\n\nCPD accreditation applied\n\nDownload the flyer\n\nAwarded 3 CPD points\n\n DTSTART:20221111T143000Z DTEND:20221111T180000Z LOCATION:Cymru, Promenade, Llandudno LL30 1BB END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR