BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Why IMG/SAS issues are EDI issues? UID:914 DESCRIPTION:Why International Medical Graduates (IMG)/Specialist and Associate Specialist (SAS) issues are EDI issues?Differential Attainment and Progression through Surgical Training\nCharlie Barter - Surgical Research Fellow, Royal Derby Hospital\n\nTraining is not the main hurdle: Non technical survival skills for SAS doctors\nKhizar Khan - Colorectal Consultant at University Hospital North Durham\nProvides regional support in North East for IMGs and SAS who want to pursue a career in surgery\n\nMy journey from IMG/SAS to Consultant\nMahmoud Abdel-Dayem - Colorectal Consultant at Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Wales. Organises and runs national CESR courses\n\nDownload the programme\n\n DTSTART:20220927T173000Z DTEND:20220927T183000Z LOCATION:Webinar END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR