BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ileoanal pouch surgery study day UID:876 DESCRIPTION:Format:\n\nLectures on: Young adolescent transition clinic, ileoanal pouch surgery pathway, Pouch imaging, acute colectomy Surgery in theatre (2 theatre lists running simultaneously): On one list an EUA and pouchoscopy (to demonstrate standardised pouchoscopy protocol), plus a laparoscopic pouch. On the other list EUA + laparoscopic pouch.\n\nRegistration and delegates:\n\nFree in person attendance\nRegistration via email\n\nTarget: senior colorectal surgery trainees and consultants with interest in IBD surgery.\n\nDelegates: 10 (+2), plus 2 slots reserved to nurses\n\n9 CPD Points (ACPGBI approved)\n\nAttendance in person £30.00 registration fee to include pre course dinner.\n\nSocial:\n\nPre course dinner on Wednesday 18th of May\n\nProvisional programme\n\n Lecture theatre\n\n 8:00-8:15 Registration and coffee\n\n 8:15-8:20 Introduction to course and programme\n\n 8:30-9:00 Transition MDT\n\n 9:00-9:30 Acute colectomy\n\n 9:30 – 10:00 Q&A and case presentations\n\n 10:00 onwards: delegates move to theatre.\n\n Operating Theatres (Th 1 and Th2). \n\n 10:00-11:00. Standardised EUA pouch and pouchoscopy protocol\n\n 11:00-16:30. In theatre attendance for laparoscopic ileoanal pouch surgery (2 theatres)\n\n Lecture Theatre\n\n 16:30-17:30 Imaging in pouch surgery\n\n 17:30–18:00 Wrap up, feedback, certificates\n\n DTSTART:20220519T070000Z DTEND:20220519T170000Z LOCATION:Chelsea and Westminster Hospital END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR