BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe 2022 UID:860 DESCRIPTION:Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe (AWR Europe) is a three-day CPD certified international conference on basic and advanced surgical strategies for the complex abdominal wall defect, including reconstructive and aesthetic techniques. Scientific lectures and practical video sessions will be combined with open panel discussions and debates by our international Faculty.\n\nKey themes of the meeting will be:\n\nEstablishing an AWR practicePerioperative management and minimising riskSafety of meshesVascularised reconstructionVideo conferencing: component separationDiastasis repairAbdominoplasty and panniculectomyNon-Surgical Component Separation Mini-SymposiumManaging the open abdomenThe role of the multidisciplinary teamParastomal hernias symposiumComplex herniasAbdominal wall transplantationThe Great Debate: biologics vs syntheticsThe programme has been organised by Co-Chairs, David Ross, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College Hospital, London & Alastair Windsor, Consultant Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust & HCA Healthcare UK.\n\nFor more information please visit our website: or email:\n\n DTSTART:20220203T084500Z DTEND:20220205T140000Z LOCATION:Royal College of Physicians, London END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR