BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Guy’s and St Thomas’ Virtual Cancer Genetics Course UID:809 DESCRIPTION:The course will take place over six half day sessions between 6 September and 9 November 2021.\n\nDownload the agenda\n\nGuy’s and St Thomas’ Virtual Cancer Genetics Course will teach the core concepts of risk stratification using family history as a tool to enable patients to access appropriate management strategies.\n\nThe course is designed for all healthcare professionals working in primary care and specialist settings including oncology, breast care, gynae-oncology, gastroenterology and screening services.\n\nParticipants will be equipped with the basics of cancer genetic counselling and sessions will include approaches to genetic testing, management of hereditary cancers and consent taking.\n\nMore information can be found below or by emailing\n\n DTSTART:20210905T230000Z DTEND:20210905T230000Z LOCATION:Virtual meeting END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR