BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Emergency abdominal surgery – an essential update UID:774 DESCRIPTION:This relevant meeting will be a chance to gain important updates on the modern management of common abdominal emergencies. Emergency surgery is a hugely important aspect of many surgeons day-to-day life and the emphasis on emergency surgery is higher than ever. Expert speakers from different sub-specialities will share their knowledge in surgery for abdominal emergencies.During this meeting you will: Learn the current best practice in various common emergency situations from experts in their field Be prepared for unexpected difficulties in complex emergency cases Take part in panel discussions with the speakers in question and answer sessionsFULL DETAILS FROM THE RSM WEBSITE > DTSTART:20210111T093000Z DTEND:20210111T093000Z LOCATION:The Royal Society of Medicine END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR