BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:#CReaTE Roadshow - Basingstoke UID:612 DESCRIPTION:Convened by Mr Faheez Mohamed and Mr Graham BranaganThis research roadshow will promote colorectal research and the research agenda for the ACPGBI as set out by the Delphi process.It will demonstrate 'how to ' enrol in trials, highlighting the pitfalls and challenges.Target Audience: Colorectal Surgeons, Research Nurses, Nurse Specialists.Surgical Trainees and all members of the colorectal team interested in research.Learning Style: Each session will have interactive sessions will all members of the research teams that are delivering trials.Aims and Objectives:To explain to delegates how to recruit, set up and bring in resource for trials that are open to recruitment across  Great Britain.Learning Outcomes: List which trials are actively recruiting nationally Explain how to engage with them at a local levelBook your FREE place  DTSTART:20190206T123000Z DTEND:20190206T123000Z LOCATION:Pelican Cancer Foundation, Basingstoke RG24 9NN END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR