BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe 2019 UID:610 DESCRIPTION:Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe (AWR Europe) is a three day CPD certified international conference on basic and advanced surgical strategies for the complex abdominal wall defect, including reconstructive and aesthetic techniques. Scientific lectures and practical video sessions will be combined with open panel discussions and debates by our international Faculty.Key themes of the meeting will be: Minimising risk in AWR Prevention of abdominal wall defects How do we choose our mesh? Component separation techniques Parastomal and other hernias Management of complex AWR Abdominal wall transplantation Aesthetic contouring of the abdomenWe are delighted to welcome the following national and international faculty:Nick Armstrong USA Marja Boermeester NED Ed Buchel CAN Andrew Butler UK Charles Butler USA Andrew de Beaux UK Naguib El-Muttardi UK David Floyd UK John Fischer USA Henk Giele UK Steve Halligan UK Todd Heniford USA Jeffrey Janis USA Lars Jorgensen DEN Ferdinand Kockerling GER Agneta Montgomery SWE Filip Muysoms BEL Maurice Nahabedian USA Sam Parker UK Oscar Ramirez USA Yohann Renard FRA David Ross UK Shaw Somers UK Neil Smart UK Jared Torkington UK Anil Vaidya UK/IND Al Windsor UKThe programme has been organised by Co-Chairs, David Ross, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College Hospital, London & Alastair Windsor, Consultant Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust & HCA Healthcare UK.The previous 3 AWR Europe meetings have represented a fertile meeting ground for both general and plastic surgeons so that together, we can continue to make rapid advances in surgical techniques and procedures, for the benefit of our patients.AWR Europe 2019 aims to build on the success of these meetings, and provide a further forum for learning, discussion and comparison. Our aim is to inspire and illuminate clinicians and para-surgical professionals with the diversity of this emerging field, and the philosophy and methods that we can apply to our practice.A combination of plenary lectures, technique videos, debates and panel discussions will ensure maximum coverage of the subject areas so that you can leave feeling inspired and armed with new knowledge that you can apply to your practice.Finally, there will be plenty of time to network with your peers through regular discussion periods, networking receptions and social functions.We hope that you can join us!We are delighted to offer a special 20% discount on the registration rates, exclusively for ACPGBI members: please quote code AWRE20 upon booking.Full details and to register DTSTART:20190131T000000Z DTEND:20190131T000000Z LOCATION:Royal College of Physicians , 11 St Andrew's Place, Regents Park, London, NW1, 4LE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR