BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CReaTE Roadshow - Colorectal Research and Trial Engagement UID:586 DESCRIPTION:Come and get involved!!Excellent opportunity to discuss open trials; hear all about new studies and meet other colorectal researchers from across the East and West Midlands regions!Following two very successful regional workshops (Manchester and Edinburgh) we would like to warmly welcome you to the third CReaTE Roadshow.This will be a joint meeting of West and East Midlands ACPGBI Chapters and will be held at Mythe Barn, Atherstone, Warwickshire.The event is a joint venture betweenACPGBIRoyal College of Surgeons West & East Midlands Clinical Research Networks Local Clinical Trials UnitsThe afternoon will be specifically championing Midlands-based Colorectal Trials includingROSSINI 2 STAR-TRECPREPARE ABCSUNRRISECIPHER Study ACCURE-UK 2 TrialICaRASExciting sessions will include the followingResearch UnpluggedTrials under the spotlightGRANULEQuestion TimeThe event is a multi-disciplinary interactive afternoon open to anyone with an interest in colorectal research. A perfect networking opportunity to meet other colorectal surgery researchers from across the East and West Midlands.Download the flyer\n\nRegister hereWe look forward to seeing you there.Kindest RegardsTom Pinkney (Birmingham) ACPGBI Research and Audit committee member, CRL & CRSL for CRN WMAustin Acheson (Nottingham) Chair of ACPGBI Research and Audit CommitteeSimon Bach (Birmingham) RCS/ACPGBI Surgical Specialty Lead for Colorectal Surgery and Research and Audit committee memberAndrew Miller (Leicester) ACPGBI Regional Chapter Lead, East MidlandsDavid McArthur (Birmingham) ACPGBI Regional Chapter Lead, West Midlands DTSTART:20181116T123000Z DTEND:20181116T123000Z LOCATION:Mythe Barn, Sheepy Magna, Atherstone, CV9 3PF END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR