BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ASGBI Women in Surgery Symposium UID:567 DESCRIPTION:The ASGBI has pioneered a national and international debate for the achievements, challenges and aspirations of women in modern surgical practice and this Symposium is another big stepping stone for this most important project.You’ll hear inspiring stories from women who have been pioneers in surgery and you also have a great opportunity to network, share experiences, debate hot topics and pave the way to the future.We are grateful to the Colleagues who have submitted abstracts. We received a very interesting mix of research and personal experience. We look forward to hearing more during the Symposium.This meeting is free to attend for ASGBI Members.Non-members pay a registration fee of £180.The Symposium will take place at The International Centre in Telford. Located in the Midlands, the venue is extremely accessible from all over the country by rail and road.Download the flyer here\n\nVisit ASGBI website for more information and to register DTSTART:20181005T080000Z DTEND:20181005T080000Z LOCATION:The International Centre, Telford END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR