BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Irish Association of Coloproctology Annual Meeting UID:528 DESCRIPTION:Friday 18 May1:00 pm Registration1:45pm Welcome addressMr Kourosh Khosraviani, President2:00pm Early rectal cancer ManagementMr K McElvanna, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon2:30pm Trans Anal TME (TaTME) is this the future?Mr Ronan Cahill, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Mater Hospital Dublin3:00pm Coffee Break3:30pm TNM8 Staging; what we need to knowDr M Loughrey, Consultant Histopathologist4:00pm Liver Metastasis: Modern approach/novel treatmentsMr David Vass, Consultant HPB Surgeon4:30pm Consultant Corner; Challenging casesChair: Mr John Burke, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon5:30pm Close7:00pm Annual Dinner (Europa Hotel)Saturday 19 May8:30 am Registration & Coffee9:00am Keynote SpeakerStenting in Colorectal Cancer- What is the state of playMr Jim Hill, President of ACPGB&I9:45am 3 Video Session3: How I do it (TBC)10:30am BreakTrainee Session10:45 McGuinness et al. Does timing of closure of loop ileostomy impact on outcomes?10:55 Foley et al. Quality markers in endoscopy: room for improvement11:05 McBrearty et al. Colonic Stenting for Large Bowel Obstruction – Outcomes in a District General Hospital.11:15 McKevitt et al. Post-operative pain following laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for Crohn’s disease: a comparative study.11:25 McCain et al. Tumour vitamin D receptor expression is associated with survival instage II and stage III colon cancer patients.11:35 Reynolds et al. The Significance of Mucin Pools Post Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy For Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer.11:45 Foley et al. Evolution of the management of complex colorectal polyps.11:55 Sahebally et al. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for closed laparotomy incisions in general and colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.12:05 Presentation of RSM Traveling Fellow.Prize Presentation & Close of MeetingFull details from DTSTART:20180517T230000Z DTEND:20180517T230000Z LOCATION:Europa Hotel, Belfast END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR