BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:JASS Event (Jenny Ackroyd Surgical Symposium) UID:520 DESCRIPTION:Abstracts submission: Kindly mail your abstracts with not more than 200 words to jass.abstracts@gmail.comDeadline: 25th March 2018There will be 20 free places allocated to AHP/Nurses.Surgeons will be charged as follows:FY1/FY2 - £30.00Core trainees - £30.00Reg’s/Trust Grade - £50.00Consultants - £60.00Download the programme\n\n DTSTART:20180426T230000Z DTEND:20180426T230000Z LOCATION:Manor of Groves Hotel, Golf & Country Club, Sawbridgeworth END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR