BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Digestive Diseases Wales UID:493 DESCRIPTION:BSG will have its own awayday on the Wednesday, and thus well-known experts and opinion leaders will be in the City for the whole three days. The organisation and hosting of the meeting are being progressed by Creative Conferences ( of the more famous speakers confirmed so far include Dr Siwan Thomas-Gibson (JAG Lead), Prof David Sanders (Sheffield), Prof Martin Lombard (BSG President), Dr Dhiraj Tripathi and Prof Gideon Hirschfield (Birmingham), Dr George Webster (UCLH), Dr Mark Hudson (Newcastle), Prof Attila Nakeeb (Indianapolis), Dr Luigi Bonavina (Milan), Miss Nicola Fearnhead (Cambridge), Dr Par Myrelid (Linkoping, Sweden), Dr Amy Lightner (Mayo Clinic), and Prof Enrique Dominguez-Munoz (Santiago de Compostela).The framework of the meeting will comprise plenary sessions in hepatobiliary disease, colorectal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal disease and endoscopy. There will also be a session on research and an “Editor’s Choice”. There will be a pre-dinner debate on the Thursday early evening “This house believes that there is enough evidence to recommend aspirin for cancer prevention in the over 50s” The conference dinner will be in the spacious dining facilities of the Mercure itself, and the entertainment will reflect St David’s Day.There will be parallel nurse specialist sessions and free paper prize sessions as well as a call for abstracts with free papers and posters. Details of the abstract submission process are still being finalized, but there will be a single stream for abstracts from all disciplines which will be via the Welsh Surgical Society website the programme here\n\n DTSTART:20180301T000000Z DTEND:20180301T000000Z LOCATION:Mercure, Holland House, Cardiff END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR