BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Belgian Scientific Society (BGES) Biennal Congress: “The courage to fail” UID:490 DESCRIPTION:The Belgian Group for Endoscopic Surgery is one of the oldest European scientific societies devoted to laparoscopic surgery.The Congress will be entirely devoted to complications in laparoscopic surgery, a topic which we unfortunately have to deal with every now and then.Numerous national and international experts have confirmed their participation.The venue is easily reachable, right next to Antwerp’s central station.Program 5th BGES Congress 2018\n\nBGES Secretariat,c/o Arlette SIEBERTZ,Lostraat 67, 1703 Schepdaal, BelgiumTel/Fax : +32 (0) 2 331 29 48Mobile Phone: +32 (0) 475 382826asiebertz@skynet.beVisit the BGES website DTSTART:20180223T000000Z DTEND:20180223T000000Z LOCATION:Elisabeth Center, Antwerp, Belgium END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR