BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:International Colorectal Disease Symposium UID:484 DESCRIPTION:This year will again include the Pelvic Dissection TaTME Cadaver Lab as a non-CME educational opportunity, which allows participants the opportunity to receive instruction from renowned faculty and develop and/or perfect their technique of transanal surgery.Attendance at the symposium will provide the attendees with a detailed analysis of the current status of every major colorectal area. Video demonstrations will help improve competencies and patient outcomes. Multidisciplinary integration amongst surgery, gastroenterology, imaging and pathology will be emphasized in combined sessions centered upon the definitions and optimization of patient outcomes.Optional Scientific Paper Session, where participant abstracts are presented in both electronic poster and podium format will also be included as a non-CME educational opportunity.Visit the Cleveland Clinic Website for more information DTSTART:20180214T000000Z DTEND:20180214T000000Z LOCATION:Marriott Harbour Beach , Fort Lauderdale, Florida END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR