BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Pelvic Floor & Proctology Course 2024 UID:1061 DESCRIPTION:This is a two-day course which will provide updates on the various aspects of pelvic floor surgery and complex proctology for the colorectal surgeon. The first day will be primarily pelvic floor and the second will be aimed at complex proctology.\n\nDay 1 – Pelvic Floor Day\n\nThe anal sphincter\n\n09:00 Anal sphincter repair- who should have one and who should do it\n\n09:20 Obstetric anal sphincter injuries- who is repairing them and who should be\n\n09:40 Non-obstetric perineal trauma\n\n10.00 Discussion\n\n10:20   Coffee break\n\nTreatments for FI\n\n10:50 What to do when biofeedback hasn’t helped your patient\n\n11:10 New/ future avenues for neuromodulation for FI\n\n11:30 Regenerative medicine and the pelvic floor\n\n11:50 Discussion\n\n12:10  Lunch\n\nProlapse\n\n13:10 The recurrent rectal prolapse\n\n13:30 Internal rectal prolapse, who gets an operation?\n\n13:50 The Oxford approach to pelvic mesh related complications\n\n14:10 Robotic prolapse repair\n\n14:30 Discussion\n\n14:45 Coffee\n\nPelvic floor pot-pourri\n\n15:00 Connective tissue disorders and the pelvic floor\n\n15:20 Female genital mutilation\n\n15:40 Low Anterior Resection Syndrome, what is it, how should we treat it?\n\n16:00 Perineal hernia\n\n16:20 Discussion\n\n17:00 End of Day 1\n\nDay 2 – Proctology\n\nThe basics\n\n09:00 Piles\n\n09:20 Fissures\n\n09:40 Office based proctology – What can be done and what can’t\n\n10:00 Discussion\n\n10:20 Coffee break\n\nFistula Repair\n\n10:50 LIFT- how to do it and for whom\n\n11:10 Endoanal advancement flap – how to do it and for whom\n\n11:30 Fistulotomy and primary repair\n\n11:50 Discussion\n\n12:10  Lunch\n\nIBD fistulae\n\n13:10 When to operate on perianal Crohn’s\n\n13:30 Stem cells and fistula – where are we now\n\n13:50 Pouch fistula- management strategies\n\n14:10 Discussion\n\n14:30 Coffee break\n\nGender, sex and the anus\n\n14:45 Anal sex\n\n15:05 Anal condyloma and dysplasia- what the colorectal surgeon needs to know\n\n15:25 What the colorectal surgeon needs to know about gender reassignment surgery\n\n15:45 RnVF\n\n16:05 Discussion\n\nCase Discussion\n\n16:15 Case discussion\n\n16:45 End of day 2 & course\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240304T090000Z DTEND:20240305T170000Z LOCATION:Online Course END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR