BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Joint London Chapter Winter Meeting UID:1043 DESCRIPTION:We warmly welcome you to the JL ACPGBI Winter meeting 2023 which will be held on Tuesday 12th of December 2023 at Heist Bank, Paddington between 1830-2200.\n\nSince we began these meetings a year ago, these evenings have gone from strength to strength. Each has attracted around 40 attendees from all four quarters of our region and we hope that this community will continue to grow.\n\nThis time, we will be welcoming our new ACPGBI President, Jared Torkington who will give us an update of his plans for the year and tell us of his plans for the Cardiff 2024 meeting.\n\nWe will then have a plenary lecture by the newest author amongst us, James Kinross, who will talk about ways in which to manipulate the microbiome to improve surgical outcomes.\n\nThis will then be followed by our first Joint London ACPGBI abstract prize session. For this we invite all trainees, nurse, AHPs and medical students to submit a 250 word abstract on any piece of audit / QIP or research that they have preformed in the last 12 months. One representative from each region will be invited to give a 5 slide, 5 minute presentation. This is a great opportunity to present work that you have done to your colleagues and maybe get a line on your CV.\n\nPlease use this link to submit your abstracts before December 1st at 1700.\n\nThe night will round off with a short lighthearted quiz (with regions competing with each other about all things Christmas and Colorectal) before time for networking.\n\nDownload the flyer here\n\nDownload the abstract book here\n\nWe look forward to seeing you all there!\n\nAll the best,\n\nEmma, Peiro, Mike and Phil (ACPGBI reps)\n\nOrestis, loanna, Tom and Sayed (Dukes reps)\n\n DTSTART:20231212T183000Z DTEND:20231212T204000Z LOCATION:Heist Bank, 5 N Wharf Rd, London W2 1LA END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR