BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:2024 Advanced Coloproctology Course - #ACC2024 UID:1013 DESCRIPTION:Advanced Coloproctology Course #ACC2024\nDates for your diary 20-21 March 2024\n\nRegister hereREGISTER HERE >\n\nDOWNLOAD THE PROGRAMME*If you are based in a country stated on this list you are entitled to attend the event for free, as defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.\n\nPlease register by selecting the 'HCPs from low-middle income countries' ticket option.\n\nCPD pointsThis event will be accredited by the ACPGBI for 10 CPD points\n\nThe Advanced Coloproctology Course has been running successfully for 30 years. Due to the phenomenal feedback on the course’s interactive online format we are pleased to offer the 2024 course once again via the Sayso Medical Platform.\n\nACC has a carefully planned programme to provide an update on current issues with an overview of the latest evidence whilst also aiming to provide practical tips and discussion. The programme is mapped to the ISCP curriculum to focus on the information needed for surgical trainees to pass their FRCS examination. The format of short presentations followed by panel discussions works well to keep those joining engaged.\n\nAimed at trainees, consultants and anyone working in the multidisciplinary team looking for an update.\n\nThe interactive nature of the course is a great feature for those who attend live. The online audience can send in questions for the panel discussions and participate in online polls. Faculty members sit behind the scenes to try to answer questions live via the chat box function as well as posting relevant links to guidelines, evidence and resources.\n\nThe course begins each morning with a viva workshop! Trainees can volunteer to attend mock FRCS examination vivas and get real-time feedback on their performance. We are always very grateful to trainees who volunteer to do this! These sessions are valuable to trainees at all stages of their career and, for those who have already successfully completed the exam, is a good opportunity to review hot topics and consider how they might support the next generation of trainees.\n\nThe course is available On Demand until we approach the 2025 course. The interactive features are only available for the live course so we would encourage live participation where possible. We do not record the viva workshops out of consideration for the brave viva volunteers!\n\nRelevant to:\n\nColorectal Surgeons: All elements of the programme will offer practical tips and updates on clinical issues consultants of all levels meet on a daily basis. There will be links to latest guidelines, evidence and research.Emergency General Surgeons: The programme includes topics which will be relevant to the emergency general surgeon.Colorectal Trainees: The programme offers an overview of topics that  colorectal trainees need to know to pass the final FRCS examination, as well as a mock viva workshop across both days.General Surgery Trainees: Due to the format of the programme the course includes many sessions and topics which are important to anyone working in general surgery. The course is a great resource for updates in clinical practice as well as preparation for the FRCS examination. The mock viva workshop each morning always gets excellent feedback!Gastroenterologists: The ACPGBI looks forward to welcoming physicians as well as surgeons to the course. There will be updates and interactive case presentations on a wide range of gastrointestinal topics, with the IBD, Colonoscopy and Proctology sessions being of particular interest.Allied HCP: The programme will be insightful for anyone with an interest in Coloproctology.\n\n DTSTART:20240320T213600Z DTEND:20240321T213600Z LOCATION:Online Course END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR