BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Dukes' Club Annual Educational Weekend 2023 UID:1007 DESCRIPTION:\n\n \n\nThe **Dukes' Club Annual Educational Weekend 2023** is a highly anticipated event that will take place in person from **Fri Sep 15, 2023**, starting at **09:00 AM**.\n\nWe are thrilled to invite you to join us at the **Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Ealing, London** for an exciting weekend filled with educational activities and networking opportunities.\n\nThis year hands-on courses will include 3 courses on Friday The Fundamentals of Coloproctology Course, The Proctology Roadshow, and the Introduction to Hugo Robotic Course. On Sunday, we will have The How to Perform THD Course and FRCS preparation course.\n\nAs always, Saturday will be full of lectures on everything colorectal and beyond colorectal followed by The Dukes Quiz.\n\nThe courses, accommodation, and meals are all included for free for ACPGBI members in training/non-training posts. A refundable deposit will be provided on attendance. \n\nSpaces are limited so register now open through this link:\n\n \n\nRegistration is now open to attend Saturday lectures virtually:\n\nREGISTER HERE\n\nSponsored by:\n\n\n\n DTSTART:20230915T080000Z DTEND:20230917T120000Z LOCATION:DoubleTree by Hilton London - Ealing 2-8 Hanger Lane London W5 3HN END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR